Der Verein The European Society for History Auto Huren Reliance Aviation Lawz. Sie richtet sich an Rechtshistoriker und Romanisten aus allen europäischen Ländern, die ihre Forschungsergebnisse auf den Gebieten der Rechtsgeschichte, des römischen Rechts, der Geschichte der Rechtswissenschaft und der Geschichte des Rechtsdenkens ihren Kollegen im Ausland vorstellen möchten. Gleichzeitig werden Rezensionen rechtshistorischer Werke veröffentlicht, und die Rubrik "Wissenschaftliches Leben" informiert über aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Rechtsgeschichte. Die Beiträge der Zeitschrift werden nach Wahl des Autors in deutscher oder englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Alle Beiträge durchlaufen ein doppelblindes Peer-Review-Verfahren. Der Beitrag muss den in den Autorenrichtlinien genannten Kriterien entsprechen. Das Herausgebergremium entscheidet über die Veröffentlichung des Beitrags und die Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung. Die Zeitschrift Journal on European History of Law ist in Scopus und ERIH PLUS, sowie in EBSCO databases und HeinOnline enthalten. Das Abonnement der Zeitschrift Journal on European History of Law bestellen Sie unter info historyoflaw. Die Zeitschrift steht unter einer Creative Commons Attribution 4. Für solche Nutzungen ist keine weitere Genehmigung erforderlich, sofern sie den Lizenzbedingungen entsprechen. Alexander Neumann: Ciceros Rede pro Tullio revisited. Überlegungen zur Tulliana aus rechtshistorischer Sicht. The paper explores the principle of legal certainty in the Auto Huren Reliance Aviation commune of Kotor, focusing on the distribution of power and judicial authority. It examines the legal structure of Kotor, including appeal mechanisms and the role of notaries, primarily from the Italian Peninsula, in shaping the local legal system. The author analyses the balance of power between local aristocracy and external oversight by Venice, showcasing how aristocratic control was maintained, particularly in judicial and administrative matters, while safeguarding legal certainty. Legal certainty; Kotor; medieval law; power structure; judiciary; notaries; Venetian rule; legal codification; local aristocracy; appeal mechanisms. Tony Murphy: Social Ordering and Welfare Conditionality, or Benevolence and Opportunity? Experiences of Poor Relief in England in the Nineteenth Century. This paper is concerned with how poor relief in the nineteenth century - poor relief in its broadest sense - was experienced by those at the margins of society by exploring working-class autobiographies. This is primarily in the context of London, but it is also set within the wider national context. A critical paradigm of welfare is utilised to explore the extent to which those writing about their lives understood their engagement with poor relief processes akin to the arguments of critical writers on social welfare. The findings suggest that experiences of poor relief tended to be negative, or at least those writing about their experiences had critical points to make. Themes of social control and ordering, hierarchy, and conditioning are reflected within the autobiographies. Konrad Graczyk: Die dritte Verordnung über Aufenthaltsbeschränkungen im Generalgouvernement vom Oktober Entscheidungen der Staatsanwaltschaft und der Sondergerichte zum unbefugten Verlassen eines jüdischen Wohnbezirks. The article is devoted to the practice of applying the third regulation on restrictions on stay in the General Government of October 15, in the field of unauthorized leaving the ghetto. Initially, the anti-Jewish legislation in the General Government was discussed, including two earlier versions of the titular regulation, and then the content of the regulations of the third regulation. The most important part of the study is the analysis of the judgments of special courts and the German prosecutor's office, the aim of which was to determine the interpretation of these provisions and to determine the circumstances that supported conviction, acquittal and discontinuation. These judgments were compared with the guidelines issued by the authorities superior in the General Government. Jews; special courts; ghetto; prosecutor; occupation; General Government; World War II. Charalampos Stamelos: The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and Auto Huren Reliance Aviation Religious Minorities in Jerusalem in Different Historic Periods since AD In AD 33 the Christian Church of Jerusalem was born, fifty days after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This was the starting point of a long history of religious minorities in Jerusalem: Christians, Jews, and Muslims were majorities or rulers or minorities in different time periods. Armenians were always a religious minority in the city. In this paper we highlight the main turning points of the history of the religious minorities in Jerusalem and the unique advancement of the Jerusalem Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. Today, Christians of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate are under the Custodianship of the Hashemite King of Jordan. A Muslim King guarantees the religious rights of Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem Holy Site since Jerusalem Greek Orthodox Patriarchate; religious minorities; Christians; Jews; Armenians; Arabs; Muslims. Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi: Public Notaries in Early Modern Basque Country. The aim of Auto Huren Reliance Aviation paper is to analyse who could become a notary in the Basque territory of Biscay between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.
Rotthof, Studien zur Geschichte des Reichsgutes in Niederlothringen und Friesland wahrend der sachsisch-salischen Kaiserzeit, Rheinisches Archiv, vol. Darüber hinaus ist die Abkehr vom Islam Apostasie nach Scharia-Recht auch strafbewehrt AA 9. Hirsch, Die hohe Gerichtsbarkeit im deutschen Mittelalter, 2nd edn, Graz and Cologne, , pp. Die Feststellungen zu den Lebensverhältnissen in Österreich traf im Wesentlichen ebenso bereits das BFA in seiner Entscheidung. Experiences of Poor Relief in England in the Nineteenth Century. Sociology of Education Show all.
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